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How to Clear Learned Words from Keyboard in Android

How to Clear Learned Words from Keyboard in Android

It is a common problem for smartphone users to accidentally type in the wrong word on their keyboard. This is especially true for people who have a lot of learned words (words you have typed in before and are saved in your keyboard) saved on their device. If you find yourself in this situation, there is an easy way to clear learned words from your keyboard in Android. It is a common problem for smartphone users to accidentally type  in the wrong word on their keyboard. This is especially true for people who have a lot of learned words (words you have typed in before and are saved in your keyboard) saved on their device.  If you find yourself in this situation, there is an easy way to clear learned words from your keyboard in Android.

How to Delete “Learned Words” from Keyboard in Android?

The Android keyboard has a learning function which allows you to teach it new words. This is a useful feature for people who type in languages that are not in the default keyboard. However, there is a way to delete these learned words from the keyboard. You can do this by going to Settings and then Language and input.  Under Keyboards, you can delete any downloaded keyboards.

Clear the Android Dictionary

If you are a student, you have to have a lot of words on your phone. There are so many words in the dictionary that you can’t keep up. You need to clear your dictionary. You can do this by going to Settings>Language  and Keyboard>then tap the Clear Dictionary or you can also do it under the Keyboard settings.

Clear Text from Keyboard

There is a new update for the Android keyboard that can be downloaded for free. It is called the Clear Text from Keyboard for Clear Learned Words from Keyboard and it will allow you to get rid of all the words that you have learned on your keyboard. You can then start over with a clean slate. This  update is only available for the new Google Keyboard app, which is available on the Play Store. 

Clear Typing Predictions

Everyone knows that when you type something on your phone, the words you type are predicted. It’s a useful feature that makes it easier to type. But what if you could type something and it would predict the words you are going to type next? This is what the new keyboard in Android O does. It  also makes typing easier as it shows you suggestions as you type. This means that you will see the word you want to type, and you only have to highlight and paste it. 

Clear Browser 

You are a fast tipper, but you are also a fast learner. You know that you should clear your browser history after you use the internet or you will forget what you learned. You also know that you should clear your keyboard after you type a lot so that you are not reminded of the words you  typed before. You are still a little shaky, but you are getting there.  You don’t need any help and you don’t want any help, but thank you for asking just in case.  You still need to be supportive, but you are on your way to being independent. Keep it up!

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